I looked outside the window and saw the beautiful white surroundings. Everything was covered with heavenly white, cotton-like thing. The trees were not green but white; so as the ground and the roof of every house. Wow! It was pretty amazing. For me, it was like heaven on Earth. A fairytale that was finally coming true!
For someone who came from a place where having snow was only a dream, experiencing it for the first time feels really amazing. It really does bring the child in me. Watching the kids play with snow makes me want to play too. There must have been some spell around that makes everyone happy. The wonder how the winter season turns everything in white is just amazing.
It’s December so this is definitely my first White Christmas. I am so over of the green stuffs so this year I am making it all white! But wouldn’t it be hard for me to have my first Christmas spend this way? This isn’t like what I had in the Philippines. This year, our Christmas tree wasn’t fake, we’ll play in the snow, we’ll make real a snowman, we’ll need to endure the freezing cold, and oh this is the first Christmas that I wont be able spend with my parents and siblings.
Yeah, experiencing the first white Christmas could be fun but experiencing it without my parents is NO fun at all. It’s true; there is no thing as perfect Christmas because we always ask for more. It’s like the fact that says ‘Life is A Paradox’. This year, instead of counting the things that I don’t have, I will count the blessing that have. This way I will be able to appreciate not only the white Christmas but also the fact that even I am far from my parents, I know their love is with me; and no matter how far they are, I know I have my husband and son and my new other family with me here in US.
So this year’s Christmas might not be as perfect as I wanted but I would still consider it as heaven on Earth!